Ford Docu-Series feat Peter Steer
Peter was recently asked to participate in a new Ford docu-series titled “Mach-e and Me” (episode 5) which showcases his Mustang Mach-e car and how it fits into being a gigging musician, particularly in London. After two long days of filming including a live show at the Victoria in Dalston, the film is now live. ‘A big thanks to my bandmates in Tin Gun for their assistance and patience and also the production team/film crew who were ultra-professional and great fun to work with. And of course an extra thanks to Tim Dorney & Kate Dorney who let us all invade their house and studio for a day! [All music in the film is by Tin Gun] ‘ – Peter Steer
P.S. Notice the license plate? 😉 -CF/PR Mgr